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Telecom Statistics

Telecom Statistics

As of end of March 2017

Landline Operators 1
Mobile Telephone Base Stations 7,191
Mobile Telephone Base Stations Coverage (Approx.) 89%
Landline Telephones 115,229
GSM Subscribers 30,353,903
GSM Active Subscribers 21,584,942
CDMA Subscribers 58,071
3G Broadband Subscribers 5,700,905
ISPs 62
ICT Solutions Providers 41
TV Operators 110
TV Transmitters 325
FM Radio Operations 304
FM Radio Transmitters 784
Investment in Telecom Sector in USD 2,165,551,925.63
% of people using internet services 8 Million
% of people who use TV 91.4% (Urban) | 58.1% (Rural)
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