Business DNA brings you content that really makes a difference in the way you think of Afghanistan, do business with Afghans, invest in the country, and contribute to its development. We aim to build an image of Afghanistan that is unconventional, new, and positive while also acknowledging realities on the ground, so as to aide investing, doing business, and delivering aid in Afghanistan. We develop the content through the first-hand experiences of our journalists and editors, contributions of subject matter experts, and analysis of primary and secondary data. The content we present is beyond mere presentation of the day’s news: it’s about entrepreneurial stories, economic and business research & data, opinion and analysis, business education, and most relevant news & update.
- Entrepreneurial Stories
Afghanistan has had thousands of entrepreneurs throughout the years, yet their stories of success or failure have not made it to the literature. Business DNA brings entrepreneurial stories of Afghans and global citizens of Afghan-descent from around the world through a rigorous selection process that is based on respect for meritocracy, dedication, honesty, innovation, resilience, and commitment. The stories we present allow entrepreneurs to be recognized in such ways that simultaneously enable our readers to learn from the experiences of pioneers and front runners in business.
Read stories, interviews, and Q&As with business executives and entrepreneurs, government leaders, and inspiring individuals in any of Business DNA’s print or digital editions.

- Research & Data
We bring you numerous researches and surveys from primary and secondary data sources that address important issues in Afghanistan. We believe in the true power of reliable data, allowing business owners, policy makers, and the donor community to make informed decisions that make real impact. So far, we have presented three distinct studies on:
- A First-hand Survey of Women-owned Businesses in Afghanistan (April – July 2018)
- A First-hand Survey of Startup Businesses in Kabul City (May – October 2018)
- A Closer Look at Unemployment of Youth in Kabul (May 2018 – May 2019)
We conduct studies with the highest standards of research and ensure our methodology remains robust. In the coming months, we will be conducting numerous other surveys and you are welcome inquire for studies and researches in Afghanistan, suggest a topic, share reports for publication, and partner with us to design and conduct a study of interest to you.
Feel free to check out our resources page or suggest a research here.
- Op-Ed & Analysis
Our Op-Eds and articles introduce, analyze, and untangle important issues to help you acknowledge and understand a diverse set of perspectives on Afghanistan’s economic and business environment. Hundreds of our contributors write about topics of importance to Afghanistan’s today and long-term future, shaping perspectives, policies, and investment decisions.
What topic are you interested to read about? Let us know.

- Business Education
Afghanistan has a very young population and almost all of its businesses were established since 2002. The workforce needs constant learning and education in order to build, sustain, and grow organizations of great success. To play our part, we frequently publish management guides that help our readers master key knowledge and skills in the areas of leadership, marketing, finance, strategy, operations, management, and dozen more. Our business education section present ideas and best practices that work in the unique business environment of Afghanistan, while introducing new topics from international best practices so our readers connect with the rest of the world, learn from their experiences, and adapt considering the local context.
Explore our business education section, read pieces in the print & digital editions, and feel free to contribute or suggest new topics to our authors.
- News & Updates
Afghanistan’s economy, business environment, and investment scene is rapidly changing; it’s paramount to the success of your organization to stay up to date with the most relevant news and updates. At Business DNA, we think and publish beyond the news to complement our readers’ knowledge and understanding of Afghanistan with our expertise, analysis, and data. We never simply share a piece of news or update, but rather reflect on the news, ask questions, provide context, present data, and at times, offer an alternative perspective. In today’s world of information overload, we focus on the most relevant and impactful news & updates and offer a weekly newsletter to bring you highlights of vital happenings of the country.
Sign up for our newsletter, explore our news & updates, or send us news that you think matter the most.