@Qayce Alamdar
As of end of March 2017
MNOs | 6 |
Landline Operators | 1 |
Mobile Telephone Base Stations | 7,191 |
Mobile Telephone Base Stations Coverage (Approx.) | 89% |
Landline Telephones | 115,229 |
GSM Subscribers | 30,353,903 |
GSM Active Subscribers | 21,584,942 |
CDMA Subscribers | 58,071 |
3G Broadband Subscribers | 5,700,905 |
ISPs | 62 |
ICT Solutions Providers | 41 |
TV Operators | 110 |
TV Transmitters | 325 |
FM Radio Operations | 304 |
FM Radio Transmitters | 784 |
Investment in Telecom Sector in USD | 2,165,551,925.63 |
% of people using internet services | 8 Million |
% of people who use TV | 91.4% (Urban) | 58.1% (Rural) |