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Afghanistan Snapshot

Afghanistan Snapshot



Land Area652,864 sq. km.
41st Largest country in the world
Twice the size of Norway (385,203 km²)
Population of 201733.4 Million
Annual Growth Rate 3%
Nominal GDP in USD Billion 2017 21.6
GDP per capita in USD 2017 607
Projected GDP Growth by 2018 3.2%
Inflation Rate as of July 2017 5.1%
GDP breakdown 2016 Agriculture: 19.5%
Industry: 25.5%
Services: 55%
Natural Resources Natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, chromite, talc, barites, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt, precious and semiprecious stones.
Imports Machinery and other capital goods, food, textiles, petroleum products
Import Value 7.6 Billion USD
Exports Fruits and nuts, hand-woven carpets, wool, cotton, hides and pelts, precious and semi-precious gems
Export Value 756 Million USD
Trade Deficit 33 % of GDP
Donor Grants 3.22 Billion USD (221 Billion Afs)
Foreign exchange reserves 7.8 Billion
Unemployment 40%
New Entrants to the Job Market Annually 400,000 youths
2015 Life expectancy 63.3 years
Literacy rate 40%
Number of Vehicles Total: 1906938
Buses: 106947
Passenger cars: 1156873

Compilation of Sources: World Bank Group, Central Statistics Organization, Ministry of Mining and Petroleum, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Commerce and Industries.


Huge deposits of iron ore, copper, cobalt, gold, lithium, niobium, uranium, chromite, granite, marble, and other metallic and non-metallic minerals.

Copper and Iron ore deposits some of the largest consisting of 60 and 2,200 million tonnes. 

See Also

Estimated 3.4 billion barrels of crude oil, 444 billion cubic meters of Natural Gas and 562 million barrels of natural gas liquids Precious and Semi-precious stones such as Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, and Ruby found in volumes in Afghanistan.

Compilation of Sources: World Bank Group, Central Statistics Organization, Ministry of Mining and Petroleum, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Commerce and Industries.

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